Blog Archive:

Monday, 29 October 2007

October 07 update

Raj has been really busy over the last few weeks but has managed to send through a bit of an update as to the last few weeks........

At last, the long awaited tents have come (see previous blog entry about Glastonbury). It was a struggle to get the tents from the customs office but praise God he made a way through.

The fishermen Trust now have 47 tents from the Glastonbury Festival in the UK!!! can you believe it!?

Big thanks to Richard Churms for all his hard work in collecting the tents and for making this idea into a reality. Also a big thank you to Pete Churms (Richard's Dad) who helped fly theses tents through British Airways free of cost.

Raj's sister Anitha got married to Phillip on the 11th of October (see pics).
It was an awesome wedding with seven hundred and fifty people turn up for the wedding reception in Chennai!!!! Another two hundred came for the celebration in Bangalore.

Raj's family feel so privileged to invite Philip into the family. Phillip works in Dubai and Anitha has now joined him to live there for a few years.
Please keep them in your prayers as they establish their home .

Samaritan’s Purse (see is a world renowned organisation. Raj has been spearheading the logistics for a 5 day conference for them of late called ‘Prescription For Hope’ for HIV/AIDS . It was a privilege for Raj to organise this South India conference for them. Through it all Raj says he has learnt many things and build some good relationship with lots of NGO and church Pastors. There were 120 people for this conference . In keeping with the vision it was great opportunity to connect with others and building relationships .

Next big news is that the Indian government has give ‘The Fishermen Trust’ Charitable Status and 80G Recognition . What this means is that people in India can give money and have their tax exempted, this also give us the freedom to apply for grants from big companies and business. God has made this possible, it usually takes a years time to get these status but if God is for us who can be against us.

The Youth Workers conference (see previous blog entry) is coming up 6th - 8th November 07. There are going to be some great speakers involved in this conference (check the blog Please pray that there would be more delegates joining this conference. So far there are about 25 delegates from all over South India but the aim is to cater for 50 leaders. Also please pray for the delegates that Lord will strength and equip these youth leaders for a great task in this country of 555 million young people who are below the age of 25 .

Finally, and this is not normal for Raj - a request for finance! Well, it's more than a request - more of a miracle!!!! Raj's faithful old motorbike, which he has used for 12 years, is coming to its last stages and is causing significant ongoing problems. Raj is beginning to pray about the possibility of a 4x4 jeep that can be used in the ministry (for getting people at the outward bound centre about, teams to and from locations etc). Big challenge (and it's not as big a challenge as it would be in the UK) is we are looking at around £10,000 .

We are trusting God for this provision but if you have ideas, plans, sponsored events or would like to help raise part of this, please e mail