Had an e mail from Raj this morning with the following news and pictures. Hey, if you have time, why not drop Raj a line and tell him what you think of what he is up to?
"I want to praise God for the youth workers conference, this was one of its kind, and ecumenical in its nature. We had people come
from various Christian backgrounds, to mention we had four catholic priests come from Tamil Nadu, one youth worker from Sri Lanka. In total we had forty people including volunteers representing three South Indian states.
There is a great need which has emerged from this conference and from Bible colleges to put resources into youth work and then make it available for churches. We have sent our first
resources kit for all the participants who attended the conference. We intend to have a bimonthly resources program through the internet which will be customised to the Indian setting. In the long run we want to come up with a youth work magazine. Please can I request your prayers and suggestion for this. 
The last two months I have been intensely involved in my local church with the ‘super teens’ (see the pictures below). This is an added responsibility from my other commitments to the church. The aim is to come alongside the young people in their journey of faith. Once a month we also conduct a youth club for the un -churched young people. There has been a gradual growth in these young people as we mentor them by building strong relationship.
Shamine (who was the first worker we appointed) has now left us as she is due to get married this month on the 27th Dec 07. We want to thank Shamine for all her contribution towards the trust. This leaves a space for some one to work for the trust, God willing we will be employing someone in the New Year. Please can I request you to prayers for the right person to come alongside, we want to employ at least two people beginning of next year, as we venture out in what God has called us to do.
Once again I want to thank you for all your support and prayers, please continue to uphold me in your prayers , the future looks bright ,with your help and God by our side we can make this vision into a reality . Thank you. "
Some pictures of the guys having fun at 'super teens' group at Raj's Church: