Many of you will know that I (Dave) am out in India at the moment with my family to work with Raj and the Fishermen Trust for 3.5 months. We therefore have loads to tell you so hang onto your hat as we give you a massive update on where things are at. There is a detailed update on what we are up to at our own blog at Do have a look.
First off, the Fishermen Trust now has it's own online photo album of all the activity that has taken place over the last 2 years. Do take some time to have a look at it here
Some of these camps are undertaken in conjunction with other organisations such as the J Team from Chennai (see
recent leaflet from a camp. This camp, that I attended with my kids, was just amazing. The location is just unreal and Raj and Nandu (Raj's staff member) the J Team guys just work so well together to see kids lives changed for God.

The camps season is coming to an end now (with a few more to happen in October) but it has been a great summer full of activity.
There are some reports due from the Trust staff soon so watch this space....