Today we cleared out the office (see pics on my blog) and set up the office and dedicated it to God's work here in Bangalore. There were some tears around as it really feels things are hotting up now and we are moving into a new phase for the Trust.
This office will be an excellent resource not only as an office but also as a base for the Trusts work in the community. We met with the landlords the other night (good friends of Raj's) and they are keen to have the place as a drop in for the community so things are starting to happen with a base like this. Nandu and Raj will be based there and this will start to work as a 'tester' drop in centre.
It really feels like foundations are being set for the Trust in a way that I have not experienced here before.
1. We have had our very first Fishermen Trust staff meeting!!
2. Nandu is now submitting reports from each camp that he and Raj attends
3. Nandu is submitting a weekly log of what he is doing and how things are going
4. Raj will begin to submit monthly reports to the Trustees (and me for content for the blog)
5. Nandu and Raj are now working to structured weeks. There is huge flexibility but they have set days for admin to enable them to be free to do the real work!
Please pray for these guys now as the office begins to function and they both begin to work in a way that is very 'not the norm' out here. It won't be easy for them to get into all this. All these new ways of working are an attempt to position the Trust as an organisation of excellence in India.