Volunteers: We have been working on getting more volunteers to work for TFT. Recently a small group of young people from church have been visiting and spending time in the office to help out. Some of them were able to help us in the children camp. See pictures here
Adventure camping: We had the privilege of organising first ever children camp for Banaswadi Bible Church (my home church). We had forty children and thirteen volunteers.
From the teen’s group we had eight young people join us for this camp. Since most of these children come from a Christian background our theme of the camp was called ‘Live your Faith’. Special guests from an organisation called 'Child Focus' were invited to facilitate the sessions for the kids.
I was also a speaker for the children camp and youth convention for the Marthoma church in Mysore organised by J team Ministries Chennai. I just loved being with the children and young people. For me it was a new opening ground in Mysore I loved it.
Relationships with others: It has been good to start to work with an organisation called 'Child Focus' who work with urban children. A new contact to work with and has potential for the future.
We had the opportunities to work with other organisations in providing training in First Aid led by Anglo. Staff came from Breakthrough Trust, J team, and Kerygma. This also strengthened our relationships and shared resources.
See more pictures of the training here
Training: Anglo facilitated the training in First Aid for us. There were eleven of us representing four different organisations working with children and young people. The training was intense and exciting! Anglo taught us from the Australian St John Ambulance modules. Because Anglo has a thorough knowledge of both cultures he was able to present the course sensitively and skillfully. The training was approved by RLSS (India).
We also had a two-day training program in Aquatic Life Saving
Skills based on the Bronze Medallion program. This was a mixture of theory and practice. I had invited two swimming instructors for this course. In total we were five of us in this programme. At the course we were able to learn some good risk management procedures and accrue skills in rescuing people in a worse case scenario.
Other projects: We continue to look for land for our first Adventure Camping site. Recently we visited South Coorg with two of our trustees and two of their children. We meet up with some real-estate guys who took us to various sites. We visited more than 4 sites in all. The land we viewed was well cultivated with coffee plantation, pepper plants and timber.
The first site visited was 26acres, with small lake filled stagnant water. The land was situated near the reserve forest and with small well and filled with coffee plantation, pepper and other jungle trees. Second site visited had a total of 30 acres, there was no water body, and this land was just jungle filled with bushes and leeches. Third site visited had a total of 22 acres, a small stream runs beside the land, the land is filled with coffee plantation and pepper plant. Fourth site visited had a total of 22 acres, two streams that connect near the land and rich soil and flat land with coffee plantation, pepper and some fruits tree. No water for water activities.
This was a great experience to get to see more land options. Unfortunately prices for this land are extortionate. I came out of the trip more convinced that God is very soon going to give us the land and we have to keep looking for it.
Development: We are in the process of applying for what is called 'Prior permission' from the Government to be able to then receive international and national funding for our developments. Our documents are currently being looked at by our chartered accountant.
We also have re applied for our 80G (Charitable funding) status. has been reapplied to the government.
Finance: There is a big need for raising funds for the Trust. As we start to look at land the New Year will bring fresh challenges in the area of finance. We must push ('pray until some thing happens') and continue to work on securing regular Indian giving via the '100 club'.