Suffice it to say, I got back from my time doing the adventure training course in Scotland and was feeling really frustrated with life, ministry, and God... Loving God, but totally directionless in ministry... and definitely doubting His reliability.
Praying about things, I was chatting with God and came to the final understanding that in my life what I deeply want is to be living out the Kingdom of Heaven in a real and practical way... I want to live a life of faith and be the sort of person who is so in touch with Christ that people can't help but notice it and come away impacted by Him in my life.
And I realized I wanted to use my experiences (even in the outdoors despite the fact that I felt like an utter failure) to serve God and be a blessing to others... so that's when I was praying and so clearly God told me I needed to find out if Raj needed help in India...
I had met him really randomly one time in Scotland and we had talked a bit about the ministry that he's doing here but had totally lost contact. Through some very crazy and random circumstances that are totally God at work, I've found myself here... insane, as always, but that's becoming the norm in my life...
So there you go! that's why I'm here!"
Bet is going to be keeping us up to date with what she is up to with TFT over the next few weeks. Beth has also set up a page on Facebook with her news so e mail (see blow) us if you want to know how to get to that.