I’ve been to a Hindu wedding, checked out the Botanical Gardens here, attended a very long Church Committee meeting, and eaten a lot of really amazing Indian food (WITH my hand!!).
As tasks with the Trust go, we had a big promotional day at a Bible College here talking with people about what Adventure Camping is and what the value of it is. Monday was a holiday here in India, Tuesdays are always our day of prayer and staff meeting, and Wednesday we had another trip out to that crazy boulder field that you’ll have seen in my photos.
I’m finding it’s a huge push out of my comfort zones here. (Very good Captain Obvious!) Seriously though, I’m not actually overwhelmed by “India” like I expected… rather, every time I turn around it’s a personal push! For example:
Socially: People here don’t find “people” an inconvenience, yet I’m so paranoid that I’ll be a burden! If I want to learn to cook Indian food, I need to ask an Indian lady if I can come over and learn – but everything in me says “you can’t invite yourself over! That’s so rude!” but my other option is to feel disappointed that I didn’t go for the cultural experience I could have had if I wasn’t such a chicken hiding behind my pride!
“you do not have because you do not ask…” has been the mantra of my time here – but asking is just so uncomfortable because they MIGHT say “no” (actually I’m 99.9% sure they won’t) – I never thought this would be such an issue for me but I find it a continual challenge!
I made the mistake of equating something Raj was struggling with with my fear of ringing a certain lady and asking if she’d teach me to make Biryani (a very yummy Indian dish) and so he just picked up his phone, dialled her number and told her I needed to talk to her!!!! Grrrrrr, I’ll get him back somehow!
Spiritually: As I’ve had more time with God, questions and feelings I didn’t realize were there have been surfacing more and more and I’ve been challenged to work them through.
Skills wise: I’m really having to think hard and be creative about my Climbing instruction, as well as really push it here administratively. I have the potential to really get outside of the box here, but I’m so used to having a team as my buffer zone… suddenly it’s a choice to make an effort, or go home not having put 100% into this experience!
I have a feeling this whole trip is going to be over SO fast! Pray that I’ll savour every minute and make the most of our time for developing the Trust here!