The following are just the headlines of that review. If you want a copy e mailed please contact us:

Avalanche Camp – March 2008 Hebron School Children from Ooty.
Purpose: Exposure to Outdoor Activities and teach Moral Values.
Achievements: Children participated in many activities such as Gorge Walking, Kayaking, Abseiling, and Team Challenges. Through these activities and some formal talks skills were built in leadership, decision making, personal reflection, communication, and problem solving.
Avalanche Camp – April 2008 For rural young people (21 in total) of Raichur, Karnataka , conducted in Kannata.
Purpose: Exposure to outdoor adventure, building self-esteem, leadership skills, and expansion their world view through travel in India and experience of the Western Gats.
Achievements: Noticeable difference in the young people as they warmed up to the staff. The young women especially grew in self esteem as they, too, were able to accomplish activities they normally wouldn’t have a chance to experience. The team challenges encouraged the young women to contribute and have a voice in the strategy and implementation of tasks. It was an opportunity for them to experience new surroundings outside of their rural village life and a chance to see there is more to life.
Avalanche Camp – April 2008 For kids from a slum background in Doddigunta, Bangalore – 27 people total, conducted in Tamil
Purpose: To see the young people make personal life change decisions and grow in communication skills and community living.
Achievements: As a result of this camp, their attitude toward one another noticeably changed. They learned to put aside their differences and accept one another. As they completed tasks, they began expressing their opinions and feelings more and bonded with one another as a result. The young people came away wanting to see change in their lives by taking responsibility for their lives rather than accepting the circumstances they were born into.
Avalanche Camp – May 2008 Urban young people from the cities of Bangalore and Chennai – 53 people total.
Purpose: Build outdoor survival skills, and emotional awareness, while working through past pain and failure. There was emphasis on social inclusion and spirituality.
Achievement: Sessions on self esteem were facilitated by a psychologist. The young people were able to recognize their potential, set goals, express their feelings, and go from being strangers to developing a sense of community and friendship.
Kodikanal Camp – June 2008 Urban young people from Bangalore – 25 people in total.
Purpose: Motivate young people to recognize their potential and implement goals.
Achievements: The young people set up individual goals for themselves and learned how to use their potential to contribute to their lives and communities.
Chennai Camp – June 2008 Church Camp for young people in Chennai – 35 people
Purpose: Motivate young people towards positive life choices and spirituality.
Achievement: This was achieved through a series of team challenges and activities as well as formal sessions. Many of the young people made personal decisions to take an active initiative in their life and spirituality.
Avalanche Camp – June 2008 Urban Young people from Bangalore – 36 people
Purpose: To experience Outdoor Adventure and have a Retreat as well as be challenged in their experience of God.
Achievement: Feedback from the group was extremely positive as they came away refreshed and excited by their experiences in the Outdoors.
Visthar Camp – October 2008 Church children from Bangalore – 60 people
Purpose: Give children exposure to the Outdoors (sleeping in tents and abseiling) as well as continuing their Christian Education.
Achievement: Children really enjoyed the first-time experience of sleeping in tents and building their sense of community. Their Christian Education was given during informal sessions around the campfire and their self esteem was boosted through the experience of abseiling into a 40 foot dry well.
Bangalore Camp – January 2009 Non residential program for Orphaned Children in Bangalore – 20 Children
Purpose: Give them a fun escape from their regular life, as well as foster a sense of community.
Achievement: Children participated in a variety of games and activities and came away happy and excited.
Tyakal – February 2009 One day excursion for College Students from Bangalore – 10
Purpose: Exposure to Rock climbing and Abseiling
Achievement: Loads of positive feedback from the students who experienced these activities for the first time in their lives. One specifically mentioned that it was a key experience for her overcoming her fears, and another was blown away by the chance to do something he’d only ever seen in movies.
Youth Work – January 2008 College Students in Bangalore – 50 Students
Purpose: To train leaders in Youth Work giving sessions on Adolescence and Youth Development.
Youth Work – March 2008 National Youth Work conference held in Bangalore – 25 participants
Purpose: To raise awareness of the value gained through Outdoor Adventure for the building of community and self awareness.
Leadership Training – July 2008 NGO Leaders from Bangalore – 15 participants
Purpose: Teaching time management, communication, organizational skills, goal setting, event planning and preparation.
Certified First Aid Training – November 2008 Youth Workers from Bangalore and Chennai – 13 participants
Purpose: To train leaders working with young children in first aid. All participants gained an official First Aid Certificate from RLSS (Puna).
Aqua Life Saving Skills – November 2008 Youth Workers from Bangalore and Chennai – 5 participants
Purpose: To acquire life saving techniques in water.
Mountaineering and Rock Climbing – January/February 2009 Outdoor Instructors in Bangalore – 3 participants
Purpose: Intensive training in Anchor building, Safety Outdoors, Instruction, Navigation, Rope work, Rock Climbing and Abseiling.
Christmas Feeding Program – December 2008 Slum Children in Bangalore – 40 attendees
Purpose: Celebrate Christmas and provide a meal for underprivileged children.
Social Work Grant – September 2008 For an NGO Worker training and equipping young people in Youth Leadership.