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Sunday, 20 July 2008

Report from Raj for May - June

Raj is getting into the habit of doing a bi monthly report for the TFT trustees but also to put up on the blog. Here is May and June's report:

Dave's visit:
Much of the focus over this period of time has been Dave (Hider) and his family working alongside me in the work here. Dave's three and half months has given a massive boost and set the trust to go in a second phase. Coming with his family has shown the depth of relationship and commitment in our friendship.

Dave contribution to a number of areas whilst he was here but some of the highlights have been:

Establishing the TFT office as a working base for the Trust.
Establishing new systems of reporting for myself and Nandu to trustees and others
Establish a TFT budget and write a ‘finance proposals’ paper to Board
Speak at 3 camps (Church, Avalanche, Efficor)
Establish 3 day residential leadership training weekend for Christian leaders including PR and programmes
Establish a day retreat with TFT trustees including programmes
Discuss partnership document with CLC
Established training for Raj in governance of the trust, external supervision for Raj

Adventure camps:
We had a joint venture during the summer period with 'J- team' from Chennai. In total we had 53 campers. Dave and myself where the main speakers along with Dr Havllia ( a friend from my Church) who did the morning devotions.

The young people where mainly from Chennai and Bangalore. All these young people where from an urban background. We had about seven Hindu boys come for this camp, the rest where from Christian background. It was an evangelistic come discipleship camp.

The talk themes was based on the 'great I AM's from the gospel of John. We had a psychologist from CMC Vellore who facilitated sessions on self-esteem and other topics. The highlight of the camp was providing an opportunity for young people to enter into personal relationship with our Lord Jesus.

All the adventure activities where led by Raj and Nandu (TFT worker) and Anupa, Augustan (from J Team). We also had an outdoor survival day where the young people got to cook there own food on the open field. It rained most of the time but did not dampen the camp spirit.

Two other events we have led at were:

Banaswadi Bible Church (my Church) church camp in Kodaikanal where Dave was also asked to be the main speaker for the young people's work.

Dave and I also had the opportunity to be involved with Efficor National conference ministering to their young people .

There was also a church youth camp, which was organised by BTM church from Bangalore. Nandu helped there and it was also this was his first time where he had take responsibility for the camp not having me around.

I was also invited as a speaker for a youth camp organised by the Tamil Methodist Church (TMC) from Chennai, it was a two-night three-day camp. I really enjoyed this camp, coming alongside and encourage the young people in their journey of faith.

There has been a real move on in some of the relationships that we have with people and organisations/church's:

Christian Life Centre – Hereford is the Church where Dave and Sarah and thier kids go. Tim Mitchell is the Pastor there and spent a week in Bangalore visiting the Hiders.

Through this week and the other conversations we have been having , we have now agreed a formal partnership agreement between CLC and TFT.

Rob Husband/Space2think: Rob is a good friend of Dave's and runs a company called Space2Think. Rob's contribution to TFT has been a great blessing especially in the area of resources and training. This will also a long-term friendship with Rob.

I want to praise God for these two new partners for TFT.

There has been lots of development with friends in Chennai and with the local churches.

There has been some initiative in encouraging Srenee ‘s church in SavaNagar. Sreeni is a good friend of mine who runs a Church. Dave has given some guidelines, and there are also some concerns as to the church’s future.

We have facilitated some great training over the last few months. Materials for training was compiled and well planed by Dave for trustees training day and for the leadership training. Both Rob and Dave were the main facilitators. Rob had also put up a training program for the corporates in partnership with Kumar (Bablie) Mind View. This initiative was take by Dave to create an opportunity where we could get some income through this corporate training. Unfortunately this training did not happen in the end as the company we were working with were not able to get the number there.

Dave and I had lots of time talking together and challenging the way I have been functioning, we looked in lots of areas where thing had to change. Our conversation has been very intense and lots of learning has taken place!!

Development & provision:
After much waiting the office was finally furnished with office tables, chairs, white board we also had filing cabinet and cupboard given. We were also able to purchase a new Laptop and some office stationery, I am so thankful for people’s generosity.

We were in great need of an office computer where Nandu could work from office, we didn’t have enough money to buy a new one. We were praying for comp. Every thing in our office has a story of God’s provision, we wanted even the comp to be a miracle story. I had a friend of mine visiting from UK for two weeks. She came to the visit the office I was saying all the story of God’s provision and I said we have been praying for a computer. Just then all of a sudden she said ‘ Raj God is telling me to give you my laptop, I will leave it with you when I am going back’ I was Gob smacked!! Praise God. Now Nandu has a computer to work with. We have got much more then what we can ask for!

More climbing gear have been provided this will enable us to take young people for rock climbing and for abseiling.

Our finance reports were completed and sent for auditing. This is our first set of accounts!!.
TFT finance reports of our first year was filed for tax returns through our Chartered Accountant Manju George .

What an exciting couple of months!