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Sunday, 13 July 2008

Fishermen Trust Trustees Training

We had a full day yesterday doing training with the TFT trustees today. Although it went very very well it is draining at the best of times doing training, let alone having to cope with all the culture sensitivities and language issues.

It did go really well though. It feels as if the trustees are now really getting hold of their responsibilities and how that relates to Raj (and Nadu's) role as staff. Some of the things we looked at were fairly basic and some of the stuff we looked at was complex.

One of my reflections is that much of what we trained on and talked about as 'issues' are very similar back in the UK and I suspect all over the world. People are people eh??

Without saying too much on the blog again, there were some interesting glimpses during the day (in what people said or did) that they have really got hold of the fact now that they are not just friends who are supporting Raj and his vision but they are managing an organsation - with all the challenges that that brings.

We had the Trusts Chartered Accountant come and talk about the legal responsibilities of Trustees which was quite challenging due to the bureaucracy out here! Rob’s style and mine are different at times but complimentary I think and I feel we work well together.

We have worked with the Trustees now on roles and responsibilities in detail. Some of the specific discussion on who will lead what area is being kept for the follow up trustees meeting in early August but we have worked through with them that trustees need to:

Set and uphold the vision, mission, values, strategy and aims of the Trust.

Maintain effective Board performance

Prepare for, attend and contribute effectively to meetings of the Trust at meetings

Understand the staff/trustees roles and provide support to staff in between trust meetings

Set up employment procedures

Seek to maintain and enhance their knowledge and understanding of the business of the Trust and of the field it works in.

Ensure & maintain proper financial oversight

Generally uphold the principles of good Trustee governance including compliance with the law and governing document

Promote and enhance the reputation and standing of the trust with key organisations that trustees might be associated with.

Provide a link with relevant churches (i.e BBC)

This is all fairly new for the Trustees and for Trustees in some other Trusts here to (and in the UK). They do feel now that these 'standards' are something they can judge their performance against though - now and in the future..